The report added that,with Mainasara Illo (Member), Justin Okoroji (Member) and Joshua Onoja (Secretary) , the committee said it passed its verdict of guilt on the defendant based on “Art. 20, as well as Art. 21 (1) and 21 (3) of the NFF Code of Ethics. It also made reference to Art. 10 and 11 of the FIFA Code of Ethics.”
Article 20 states that “Persons bound by this Code may only offer or accept gifts or other benefits to and from persons within or outside NFF, or in conjunction with intermediaries or related parties as defined in this Code, which i) have symbolic or trivial value ii) exclude any influence for the execution or omission of an act that is related to their official activities or falls within their discretion iii) are not contrary to their duties iv) did not create any undue pecuniary or other advantage and v) did not create a conflict of interest.”
Article 21 (1) states that: “Persons bound by this Code must not offer, promise, give or accept any personal or undue pecuniary advantage or other advantage in order to obtain or retain business or any other improper advantage to or from anyone within or outside NFF. Such acts are prohibited; regardless of whether carried out directly or indirectly through, or in conjunction with, intermediaries or related parties as defined in this Code. In particular, persons bound by this Code must not offer, promise, give or accept any undue pecuniary or other advance for the execution or omission of an act that is related to their official activities and is contrary to their duties or falls within their discretion. Any such offer must be reported to the Ethics Committee and any failure to do so shall be sanctionable in accordance with this Code.”
Article 21 (3) states that “Persons bound by this Code must refrain from any activity or behaviour that might give rise to the appearance or suspicion of improper conduct as described in the foregoing sections, or any attempt thereof.”
Penpushing reports that,the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) Integrity Unit headed by Christian Emeruwa, before the committee’s meeting which commenced preliminary investigation when the documentary was first made public, had already submitted a report to the NFF General Secretary based on its work.